Summary of Voltaire's work:Candide

on Oct 12, 2015
Summary of Voltaire's work : Candide 

Candide was published in 1759.
Candide is a young boy living in the castle of Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh located in Westphalian 6. Its master Pangloss, a philosopher who teaches "metaphysical-theologo-cosmolonigologie" No. 7, who professed to Like Leibniz, that we live in the best of possible worlds. Candide is expelled from this best of all possible worlds, following a kiss prohibited exchanged with Cunegonde, daughter of Baron. Candide discovers the world and goes disappointment in disappointment on the paths of a long journey of initiation.

Conscripted in the Bulgarian troops, he witnessed the butchery of war. He fled, is collected by the Anabaptist Jacques. He finds Pangloss reduced to the old state, suffering from syphilis who taught him the death of Cunegonde, raped by Bulgarian soldiers. They embark with Jacques Lisbon. After a storm in which Jacques drowned, they arrive in Lisbon on the day of the earthquake and are victims of a bonfire in which Pangloss is hanged. Candide found Cunegonde, mistress of a Grand Inquisitor and a rich Jew: Issachar9 gift. They are encouraged to kill the two men and fled with Cunegonde and her old servant to Cadiz in Spain.

He embarks with his valet Cacambo, Cunegonde and her old servant for Paraguay. Forced to abandon Cunegonde in Buenos Aires, he fled with Cacambo Paraguay. They find Cunegonde's brother Candide pierces a sword, escape, little avoid being eaten by wild mumps and discover the land of Eldorado. They are happy, but prefer to leave it with all their wealth to find Cunegonde.

Cacambo sending purchase Cunegonde, Candide is robbed by a merchant and a judge met Martin, disgusted with life and joins Europe with him. They arrive in Bordeaux before passing through Paris, where Candide nearly died care from medicine, is stolen by an abbot and barely escaped the prison. Candide and Martin then commit to England by boat, where they did not even set foot on the ground because they attend the execution of a British officer. Finally they join Venice where they seek in vain Cacambo and Cunegonde. They meet Paquette, the maid of Baron Thunder-ten-tronckh, her lover and the monk Wallflower, discover a rich and are disillusioned knowledge of six dethroned kings.

They then leave for Constantinople deliver Cunegonde, become ugly slave king and redeem the fallen Ragotski valet Cacambo. In the galley, among the convicts, they find Pangloss, having escaped hanging, and Cunegonde's brother, who escaped the sword, Candide delivers against ransom. In Constantinople, he bought ugly and shrewish Cunegonde, wife against the advice of his brother that he is compelled to hunt, settles in a farm, is robbed by dealers, collects Paquette and Wallflower and ends by cultivating his garden.

This is the optimist Pangloss chorus on "the best of all possible worlds" and the last word of Candide:

"Pangloss sometimes said to Candide: All events are strung together in the best possible world; for after all if you had not been expelled from a beautiful castle with great kicks in the behind for the love of Cunegonde miss if you had not been put to the Inquisition, if you had not America ran the walk if you had not given a good sword to the Baron, if you had not lost all your sheep from the good country of Eldorado, you would not eat here candied citron and pistachios.
- It is well said, replied Candide, but we must cultivate our garden.

Summary of Voltaire's work : Candide 


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